Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Wahoo! Hannah doesn't have any kitties in her nose.

I don't have a detailed summary for today because it was slam-jam packed with stuff. We visited the immunology specialist again. The test results from last week show that there is nothing wrong with Hannah's immune system. This is great news. Then Hannah had a skin allergy test done. She fussed during the scratches but was a champ as soon as it was done. Hannah is not allergic to anything we tested for. Hooray, hooray, hooray! The doctor said that these fever episodes are most likely due to mean viruses and bad luck. We'll treat as such in the future. He did give a vaccine for a flu and pneumococcal virus that Hannah's blood didn't return any antibodies for as she probably hasn't been exposed yet. She will need a follow up blood test in a month to make sure she's made antibodies for this vaccine.

[Hannah just came to me and said "Oh no! The doctor didn't get the kitties out of my nose today!" Because last week he looked in her nose, as doctors do, and said he was looking for kitties. He didn't need to look in her nose today. She's seriously concerned and I can't stop laughing.]

I let Hannah go to the doctor's in her pajamas to make her more comfortable and then after her appointment we went to the IHOP in Spanish Springs. People just adored her monkey PJs. These are the ones that my cousin gave her last year and they still fit. Hannah ate all of her scrambled eggs, almost all of her bacon, and most of her pancake which means all of the syruppy areas, strawberries, and whipped cream. I spent a good deal of time asking her not to play with the bottoms of her shoes then touch her food, keep her mouth off the windowsill, don't put her head on the bench seat, and stop licking the edge of the table. Yes, my kid has bad luck picking up mean viruses. Sigh.

When we got home, we took an early nap together. I'm impressed that the child could sleep through the noise of my neighbor chopping wood. She woke up when he stopped. I just ignored what I could and rested.

Hannah finished out her pajama day with a candy cane for afternoon snack and some cartoons while I tried to get dinner started and laundry finished. Who am I kidding? Laundry is never finished. It never will be until this summer when I make these people walk around naked. You may want to call before you come over starting in June, K?

[additional info for the benefit of uh, anyone:
  • Hannah did have toasty sticks and pink moo again for breakfast before we left this morning.
  • We did leave on time and made it to the appointment on time. I'm pretty happy at getting the hang of leaving the house.
  • Brad was with us at the doctor's appointment and entertained Hannah with his iPod.
  • No accidents today.]

1 comment:

The Duvals said...

Why I am obsessed with what you do everyday is beyond me...but I love your posts!