Thursday, May 07, 2009


I overslept my alarm and got up around 8 AM. Hannah woke up about a half our later. The usual breakfast, cartoons.

Baby Evelyn was early, so her mom and I had a little chat time. Hannah played outside for a bit, rode her bike, got dirty, etc.

Hannah turned a giant box into a little fort and colored on it and sat inside it. I even pointed it at a cartoon for her while I fed the baby.

Hannah had chicken nuggets and orange slices with apple juice for lunch.

The baby was awake when I tried to make Hannah nap. She had a hard time going to sleep because she knew the baby was awake. I asked her just to lay quietly in her bed for an hour so I could eat my own lunch. She never slept.

Graham crackers and the rest of her apple juice. She tried to play outside but was bored. I let her watch cartoons again.

The baby fell asleep again, so I pulled out some paints for Hannah to make a craft. She had a ball. and a mess.

We cleaned up (Hannah) after I fed the baby and then had a little story time. Then we went back outside.

Brad got home around 5:30 PM.

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