Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our Rainy Day, Tuesday

Hannah watched a couple of cartoons then got to play with her Leapfrog Click-start system for a bit. When she was bored with that, I pulled out the Floam that she got for her birthday. Did you know that blue, yellow, orange, and white make green? Hannah had a short quiet time while I cleaned a few windows. (You know it's bad when you look out and can't tell if it's raining or not.) She did not sleep so I let her get up and watch her Netflix movie one last time so we could send it back tomorrow. After the movie, I turned on the radio and Hannah took her snack to sit at the back door to watch the rain and the robins eating worms in the yard. That lasted until Petey chased off the birds. Lincoln logs occupied her until Brad got home to build a house with her.

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