Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday & Friday

Thursday: We had a pajama day. Since we were up a little late the night before due to the concert, we slept in and lounged around. I did laundry and cleaned up a bit while Hannah played with all of her toys. In other words, she messed up right after my clean. She had a long late nap and we watched too much television. Then later after bath time, we went and picked up Brad from the airport.

Friday: Brad stayed home from work. He was worn out from his trip and didn't feel well. We tried to sleep in, but even though Hannah was up late from our trip to the airport, she was up nice and early. After breakfast, I took Hannah to soccer class while Brad rested. The rest of the day was normal with a lunch, quiet time, and cartoons for Hannah but with her dad around to make it more exciting.

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