Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Monday: Brad decided to come home after only making it about 2 miles in half an hour because of the snowstorm. We had fun playing in the snow and watching movies.

Tuesday: Hannah and I had a very lazy pajama day. It was much too cold to go outside so we stayed warm and cozy inside with Petey.

Wednesday: We were supposed to go see the Moyles today but decided that it might be a bit treacherous to drive that far. Around noon it was evident that we were almost out of milk and that we had to leave the house after all. Once out on the main roads, it wasn't so bad but the turn lanes were still pretty icy. We picked up what we needed at the store, went through the drive-thru at A&W, and went to Momo & Papa's to hang out and eat our lunch since they were on our way home. Hannah, Papa, and Nate played a little bit in the snow then came in for hot cocoa. When we got home, we let Petey out of the laundry room and took him for a little walk around the block. It was slow going since only half of our neighbors have shoveled their walks but it was good for the dog to get some exercise.

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