Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday, a very full day.

Garrett was dropped off just after 6 AM. He watched cartoons until Hannah woke up. He ate a toaster waffle and had pink moo. Hannah woke up at about 7:30 AM. Pink moo and toasty sticks. Petey finished what she didn't because he was naughty and climbed up the table to grab it. I asked Hannah why she let the dog finish her breakfast. She blinked at me and said, "Because he's silly."

Since the baby was coming over, I let Hannah choose whether or not to stay in pajamas or get dressed. She wanted to stay in PJs for a while. I pulled out the old VCR and plugged in the Lion King for Hannah and Garrett to watch. That only lasted about 20 minutes.

Time out for both kids for running in the hall after I asked them not to twice.

Baby Evelyn was dropped off around 9:45 AM. The kids just stared at her for a bit.

Snack: graham crackers and dried fruit.

They played with Mr. Potato Head and friends for a while. Then they played in Hannah's room, too. I turned on the Lion King again while I fed the baby then sent them outside.

Lunch: chicken nuggets with ranch dressing, macaroni and cheese, mixed fruit cup, apple juice. Garrett had seconds on the mac 'n cheese while Hannah barely ate. They both had a couple of pieces of chocolate for dessert.

Hannah and Garrett went down for nap around 12:30 PM. They were fooling around and on the second warning I took the ni-nights away. I gave the ni-nights back close to 1 PM. Garrett was out but Hannah took a little bit longer to wind down. The baby fell asleep also so I closed my eyes for a few minutes and woke up an hour and half later when the baby was wiggling around the play yard. Hannah woke up after sleeping two hours. Jim woke Garrett up when he got here around 3:30 PM.

Hannah had pink moo and fruit snack then got to play Pac-Man for a little bit after Garrett went home. (I sent Garrett's fruit snack with him for the car ride.) The video game didn't hold her interest for long so I let her watch cartoons while I fed the baby again.

Brad got home around 5 PM.

[The Me part: I attempted to fold some clothes but there wasn't much productivity today. I forgot to feed myself this morning.]

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