Friday, June 05, 2009


Garrett: 6:15 AM. Cartoon. Pink moo. He did really well staying quiet until Hannah woke up around 8:15 AM. Pink moo. More cartoon. Both kids said they weren't hungry, so I gave them a few minutes to play before breakfast.

I put together the Hot Wheels City and they enjoyed that for a little while. Things got a little crazy so I asked them not to throw the cars in the air. Not half a minute later, Garrett forgot about not throwing and I had him take a seat in the hallway for time out.

Breakfast: cereal in milk.

They played with cars again for a while and I turned on the kid music.

The baby got here at about a quarter to nine.

Snack: blueberry muffins and juice.

I sent the kids out back to share Garrett's scooter and Hannah's tricycle. Hannah fell while holding a rock so I brought them in and tended to her owie. I turned a movie on for them while I made lunch.

Lunch: alphabet vegetable soup, crackers and cheese, and juice. The letters in the soup made it so fun that they forgot they even had cheese on their plates. Vanilla wafers for dessert. I fed the baby at the same time so all four of us had lunch together. The kids love watching the baby eat.

At nap time, I put the baby in a little wedge of blankets with her bottle on Hannah's bed and sat on the end to read chapter 2 of Winnie-the-Pooh. Garrett fell asleep somewhere in the middle of the chapter and Hannah fell asleep a few minutes after I left the room. They slept for about two and a half hours.

I sent Garrett home with some Cracker Jacks for snack. Hannah asked for a yogurt cup and dry cereal and washed it down with pink moo.

Garrett went home around 4 PM. Brad got home around 5 PM. The baby was here until about 6:45 PM.

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