Thursday, June 11, 2009


Garrett wasn't here again today. Hannah slept in until 9 AM. Pink moo and toasty sticks. Cartoon. Hannah was given a choice and decided to stay in her PJs for a while instead of going outside. She watched Bolt for a little while.

Evelyn was dropped off around 10:45 AM.

Snack: apple and gatorade.

We went out back for about half an hour.

Lunch: turkey and cheese sandwich, carrot sticks, pepperoni slices, and juice.

I tried to read some Pooh Bear story to Hannah but the baby would not cooperate. Hannah didn't want to go to sleep so I told her to stay in bed and she could look at her books. When her two hours was up, I went to get her and she had fallen asleep.

Snack: some more apple, cereal in milk, and pink moo.

We watched Aladdin while the baby played on a blanket on the floor.

Brad got home around 5:30 PM with dinner.

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