Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday was very quiet

We didn't have Garrett this morning so Hannah and I slept until just after 8 AM. She had pink moo and toasty sticks while watching cartoons. We lazed around my room until Hannah got bored then I dressed her and washed her up. We waited around for Nick to come and check on a couple of things in the bathroom.

Snack: yogurt cup by request.

Hannah colored on her Thomas the Tank Engine paper for a bit.

Hannah played outside on her scooter with her imaginary friend, Lizzie, for a long time.

Hannah got bored so we came inside and she played under her little table with her toys.

Lunch: scrambled eggs, biscuits with jelly, and a banana. Hannah ate all of her eggs but only licked off the jelly from the biscuits.

I was cleaning up the table and dishes when I didn't hear Hannah anymore. She had gone to bed all on her own. She wasn't quite asleep yet, so I made her go potty. She protested and said she was too tired. She also said she was too tired for a story today. Hannah slept for about two hours.

Snack: popcorn and chocolate milk. Cartoons.

Brad got home around 5:15 PM.

[This bit is not about Hannah so much as it is about anything else I'd like to remember: Nick came back and went over some holes in the grout. I pointed out areas for Nick to re-grout, cleaned up the dishes, did laundry, crocheted. I spent over half an hour cleaning the glider chair since I had to clean spilled milk out of the cushions anyway.]

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