Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Garrett got here just before 6:30 AM. He stayed quiet until I woke Hannah up around 8 AM. Pink moo and toasty waffles for both. Hannah didn't want her toasty waffle any more. She said she didn't lick it, so I asked if I could have it. She said no and took one bite then put the rest in the sink. They watched some cartoons.

Hannah and Garrett said they were hungry and we weren't sure what time the Moyles would be here, so they had some carrots and peanut butter for snack with lemonade. Susanne and the kids got here just after that and they brought some drinkable yogurts for the kids.

Four children tore it up in the living room for a little while then we went into the backyard. We took a timer out with us and they took turns on Hannah's scooter and tricycle. The favorite activity of the day was hunting for roly-poly/potato/pill- bugs.

Lunch: chicken nuggets, mixed fruit cup, gold fish crackers, cheese, and apple juice. Dessert was a dollop of store-brand Nutella between two vanilla wafers. The kids really dug this. Susanne and I had some Zattaran's Red Beans and Rice. It wasn't bad.

After Emily and Braedyn left, I sent the other two straight to nap. I read two more chapters of Winnie-the-Pooh and Garrett fell asleep at the beginning of Chapter 4. Hannah was still awake when I left the room but fell asleep shortly after. They each slept for about two hours.

Snack: fruit snack and water (we were out of milk.) Cartoon.

The kids played with cars for a long time then went outside for a bit.

Brad got home around 5:30 PM then went to the Home Depot. The kids ran around like lunatics while I made dinner.

Second snack: some pepperoni and mozzarella cheese because they were "staaaaaarvvvvvinnng".

I went ahead and fed Garrett dinner (pizza) and Jim got here around 6:30 PM.

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